Writings Featured Online
"The Direction They Were Headed," a short story, published by The Galway Review
"Fly in Our Salad" read on Tracy K. Smith's podcast The Slowdown
"One-Legged Pigeon" featured in Ted Kooser's American Life in Poetry
"O, Trout" published in The Penn Review
"Horace, I Dream of Watches" reprinted on Verse Daily
"Driving All Night" featured on Garrison Keillor's The Writers Almanac
Blog post on "Horace, I Dream of Watches," published in The North American Review
Three poems - The Iowa Source
"Gray Water" - The American Journal of Poetry
"A Flock of Starlings" and "Fishing in the Rain" - Juxtaprose Magazine
"Husbandry" and "The Lost Boy" - American Journal of Poetry
"Music from a Farther Room" - The Massachusetts Review
"The Falling Man" - Pif Magazine
"Forgetting" - Green Linden
"Flying Saucers" - Poetry Daily (first published in Salamander)
"The Maine Attraction," essay, The Christian Science Monitor
"Uncle" - Poem of the Week, The Guardian, UK
"Purgatory Chasm" and "The Temple Toggle" - The American Journal of Poetry
Four Poems - The Galway Review
"All the White" - The American Journal of Nursing
"Heat Lightning" and "Returning to Iowa" - Shenandoah
"Shoring Up" - The New Criterion
"Cordon Sanitaire" - American Journal of Nursing
"Loons" - Pif Magazine
"Making Love in the Kitchen" - The New Yorker
"Soldier Course" - The New Yorker
"Sleeping with My Dog" - Pif Magazine
Feature on Verse Daily: "Ararat"
Feature on Poetry Daily: "Lot's Wife"
"Lot's Wife" - The New Yorker
"A Glossary of Chickens" - The New Yorker
"Sisyphus" - Beloit Poetry Journal
"Picking Pears" - Read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer's Almanac
"First Year Teacher to His Students" - Read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer's Almanac
"The Garden" - On Verse Daily
Articles and Interviews
Interview on The Massachusetts Review blog
The Inner Music Blog - Interview with Michael T. Young
"High School Teacher Makes His Mark Among International Poets at Princeton Poetry Festival"
Connotation Press - Hoppenthaler's Congeries - An Interview and Four Poems
Article on the Margery Davis Boyden Wilderness Writing Residency Award
Dispatch from PEN Northwest (a short piece on the Boyden residency)
Anne Halley Poetry Prize, The Massachusetts Review
Princeton University Distinguished Secondary School Teaching

Photo by Betsy Steele